Monday, November 11, 2013

Gilbert Jesse and Joseph Rock - Civil War Veterans

Two other 3rd Great Grandfather's, Gilbert Jesse and Joseph Rock, also served in the Civil War. Gilbert Jesse mustered in at Plattsburgh on the 14th of September, 1864.  His widow, Catherine "Kate" Jesse later filed for a widow's pension after he passed (after serving):

About a week earlier, on September 5, 1864, Joseph Rock mustered in as a Private, Company L, New York Volunteers:

Details of how a musket from his service managed to get separated from the military and end up in the hands of other ancestors is detailed here.

WWI Veteran, Orlando La Porte

My great grandfather Henry did not serve as far as I know.  His younger brother Orlando did, however. Here he is pictured below in a photo that I got from my "cousin" Kathy La Porte Marchacos:

During World War II, Orlando was also subject to what was commonly known as the "old man's draft" but was not called.  Note in his registration card below, he was 47 when he registered  The civil service law in effect at the time required registration of all men up to 64 years old!

I did Not Know My Uncle Ward . . .

Every story that I hear from my dad about my Great Uncle Ward is underlaid with the theme that, for any faults Ward had, he was nearly impossible not to like.

Also a veteran, I'm honoring Ward Gerald La Porte:

Uncle Ward was advanced to Quartermaster 3 in the U.S. Navy before he was honorably discharged. 

He and my grandpa Lloyd used to play in swing bands together. According to my dad, Ron La Porte, the news item above got one thing wrong -- apparently Ward's nickname was Pinky and his father Henry was "Skip."

For anyone interested or researching him, I have a handful of military records -- muster schedules, newspaper clippings, etc.

Lloyd La Porte - WWII

Continuing on with Veterans day, I'm recognizing La Portes and other ancestors who fought for the United States.

My grandfather, Lloyd La Porte served in World War II in Japan.  Pictured below in Tokyo, during the U.S. Occupation of Japan:

Looking a bit less relaxed and more official:

Prior to the War, he served as well:

Happy Veterans' Day

My 3GRGR, who doesn't appear to ever have been naturalized as a U.S. Citizen, fought in the U.S. Civil war -- enlisting separately, twice.

He mustered in as a private on May 16, 1861 in Company K of the 16th New York Volunteer Infantry. He was wounded July 19, 1861, at the Battle of Bull Run (Manassas, Virginia). He avoided enemy fire, but caught his own bayonet in the ass while his Company was retreating over a hedge wall.  He was honorably discharged on October 16, 1861.

A little over two years later, he mustered in as a private just after Christmas 1863 (December 28th). In this second tour, he was also a private but joined Company D of the 15th Cavalry Regiment, also of the New York Volunteers.

Four months after Lee surrendered to Grant, and three months after President Jackson declared an end to the insurrection, Julius mustered out on August 9, 1865.